
Leading the way with POWERSCREWS

Leading the way with POWERSCREWS
The combination of a lead screw and nut is an excellent and economical way to convert rotary motion into linear motion. Through a vast scope of screw formats and nut designs ABSSAC has been a preferred supplier to key industries for well over 40 years. A lead screw, which can also be known as a power screw...
Tuesday 26th May 2020

Satellite roller screws

Satellite roller screws
There are many ways of transferring a rotational force into a linear one, particularly in the world of linear translation devices.  Such devices include the simple lead screw and plastic nut and the industrial standard recirculating ball screw device.
Wednesday 18th March 2020

Satellite roller screws

Satellite roller screws
There are numerous ways of transferring a rotational force into a linear one, particularly in the world of linear translation devices.  Such devices include the simple lead screw and plastic nut and the industrial standard recirculating ball screw device.
Tuesday 3rd March 2020


ABSSAC is in the unique position of not only being able to supply standard ranges of rolled thread forms and nuts, but also develop special types of thread forms that meet the customer’s exact requirement.  Utilising screw diameters from 2mm to 150mm and leads from 0.
Monday 17th February 2020

Linear guides compliment lead and ball screws

Linear guides compliment lead and ball screws
Linear guideways provide excellent load bearing linear motion by re-circulating rolling elements between a profiled rail and a bearing block. By primarily using a four ball path design, within the slide, allows the guides to accept up to 30% more load and up to 30% stiffer than similar products in the market.
Thursday 6th February 2020

Let us reduce your machining scrap rates

Let us reduce your machining scrap rates
Let’s work together to reduce your scrap rates when machining lead and ball screws to their desired end journal detail. By letting us supply the completed part ensures that every ball and leadscrew solution fits directly into your application, every time.
Wednesday 8th January 2020
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