For over 4 decades we have supplied a varied number of industries with an equal amount of innovative and diverse products. ABSSAC’s winning business philosophy is underpinned by its staff wellbeing, quality of product and customer service. The following compliance statements and notifications maintain a visible record of our commitment to legal and regulatory requirements.
ABSSAC - 2024 FEB - JOSCAR approval maintained - ABSSAC achieves full approval to the accreditation register - JOSCAR ( Joint Supply Chain Accreditation Register). The register is used by the aerospace, defence and the security industry to act as a single repository for pre-qualification and compliance information.
2024 JANUARY - Updated policies & certification
ABSSAC - Forced Labour, Child Labour, and Human Trafficking Policy V3
ABSSAC - Corporate Social Responsibility Policy V4
ABSSAC - Code of conduct V3
ABSSAC - Counterfeit Policy V6
ABSSAC - Environmental Policy V4
Renewed Cyber Essentials certification - Certificate Number: ebb376f2-dcb2-4202-b21e-861c087877ac Expiry Date: 18.01.2025
2023 MAY - ABSSAC is recertified by NQA to ISO9001:2015 view certificate
2023 APRIL - Updated policies
ABSSAC - Environmental Policy V3- 28.04.2023
ABSSAC - Forced Labour, Child Labour, and Human Trafficking Policy V2- 28.04.2023
ABSSAC - Counterfeit Policy V5- 28.04.2023
ABSSAC - Code of Conduct V2, 28.04.2023
ABSSAC - Corporate Social Responsibility Policy V3- 28.4.2023
ABSSAC - 2023 FEB - JOSCAR approval maintained - ABSSAC achieves full approval to the accreditation register - JOSCAR ( Joint Supply Chain Accreditation Register). The register is used by the aerospace, defence and the security industry to act as a single repository for pre-qualification and compliance information.
ABSSAC 2023 JAN -Whole company Cyber essential certification achieved - IASME-CE-035259 - Certificate Number - cab00f43-1fae-45d6-abbe-6a36ce190f6b
ABSSAC - 2022 FEB - JOSCAR approval maintained - ABSSAC achieves full approval to the accreditation register - JOSCAR ( Joint Supply Chain Accreditation Register). The register is used by the aerospace, defence and the security industry to act as a single repository for pre-qualification and compliance information.
ABSSAC 2022 JAN -Whole company Cyber essential certification achieved - IASME-CE-035259
ABSSAC - 2021 MARCH - JOSCAR approval - ABSSAC maintains full approval to the accreditation register - JOSCAR ( Joint Supply Chain Accreditation Register). The register is used by the aerospace, defence and the security industry to act as a single repository for pre-qualification and compliance information.
ABSSAC 2021 FEB -Whole company Cyber essential certification achieved - IASME-CE-013269
ABSSAC - 2021 FEB - JOSCAR approval maintained - ABSSAC achieves full approval to the accreditation register - JOSCAR ( Joint Supply Chain Accreditation Register). The register is used by the aerospace, defence and the security industry to act as a single repository for pre-qualification and compliance information.
ABSSAC - Update Environmental Policy V2- 04.12.2020
ABSSAC - Update Forced Labour, Child Labour, and Human Trafficking Policy V1- 25.11.2020
ABSSAC - Update Counterfeit Policy V4- 25.11.2020
ABSSAC - Update Code of conduct V1- 25.11.2020
ABSSAC - Update Corporate Social Responsibility Policy V2- 04.12.2020
ABSSAC - Update 2020 December - ABSSAC LTD ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY UYPDATE - Abssac recognises that it has a responsibility to the environment beyond legal and regulatory requirements. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy and operating methods.
ABSSAC - 2020 MARCH - JOSCAR approval achieved - ABSSAC achieves full approval to the accreditation register - JOSCAR ( Joint Supply Chain Accreditation Register). The register is used by the aerospace, defence and the security industry to act as a single repository for pre-qualification and compliance information.
2020 MARCH - Modern Slavery ACT 2015 Statement - The aim of the Modern Slavery Act is to ensure that large businesses that carry on a business in the UK, supply goods or services and have a total worldwide annual turnover of £36m or more monitor and control their operations and supply chains and keep them free from human trafficking and slavery. ABSSAC is below this revenue threshold, neither does it operate in the identified high-risk industry sectors. Due diligence has been applied to ensure compliance to the ACT. Much like the Bribery Act 2010, the Modern Slavery Act 2015 that requires us all to take responsibility not just for what we do, but for what is done in our name.
2020 FEB - ABSSAC is recertified by NQA to ISO9001:2015
2018 April - General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - ABSSAC is committed to ensuring the security and protection of the personal information that we process and to provide a compliant and consistent approach to data protection. We have always had a robust and effective data protection program in place which complies with existing law and abides by the data protection principles. Our GDPR Policy can be read here
2017 November - ABSSAC LTD ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY UPDATE 2017 May - ABSSAC gains accreditation to the new version of ISO9001:2015 2017 Jan - I.T.A.R International Traffic in Arms Regulation - ABSSAC is compliant with all applicable U.S. export control laws and regulations. This compliance includes the Arms Export Control Act (AECA), which encompasses the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR). All products supplied by Abssac Limited have been identified to meet the ITAR directive.
2016 - Conflict Materials Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act 2016 - As a part of the U.S. Government's Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act, signed into law in July 2010, Section 1502 requires companies within the UN to ensure the raw materials they use to make their products are not tied to the conflict in Congo, by auditing the mineral supply chains. ABSSAC is a UK based company and has investigated its obligation to this reform by letter to its suppliers. At this time it can be assured that ABSSAC products comply with this reform and is also worth mentioning that many cases the products supplied do not contain the minerals in question, such as Coltan / Tantalum. (Coltan is short for Columbite-tantalite). Gold. Tin / Cassiterite and Tungsten. Our investigation into the matter is deemed appropriate to conform to the ACT. For further information on the important measure please see - .
2016 - R.E.A.C.H Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals 2016We can reassure you that the substances we supply will be registered if required. In some cases we are to be termed a downstream user, but under the 1 tonne import limit. On contacting DEFRA, we can confirm that in all cases the parts supplied are finished articles and are not chemicals in their raw state. The processes used to manufacturer these parts concur with all R.E.A.C.H regulation requirements. The products we supply do not contain CMR's, PBT's or vPvBs therefore we do not anticipate having to develop exposure scenarios. At this stage we can reassure you that the products we supply will not be subject to a risk of reformulation withdrawal from the market. We also have sufficient information regarding registration to REACH registration if required. For further information please see - . Currently the products supplied by Abssac Limited meet the REACH directive.
2016 - R.o.H.S Restriction of use of certain Hazardous Substances 2016We are committed to conforming to all relevant legislation in the countries where its products are sold. The European Union (EU) RoHS (Restriction of use of certain Hazardous Substances) Directive stipulates that products sold in the EU must not contain any of the following substances above the specified threshold levels: > 0.1% (1000 ppm.
Currently the products supplied by Abssac Limited meet the RoHS directive.
ABSSAC - 2016 - Foreign Corrupt Practises ACT 2016 Statement - Abssac will conduct all actions on behalf of the company in accordance with the Anti-Bribery Laws. No money will be paid any Agent as compensation or otherwise has been or will be used to pay any bribe or kickback in violation of the Anti-Bribery Laws. We take responsibility not just for what we do, but for what is done in our name.
ABSSAC - 2000 November - ABSSAC LTD ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY - We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy and operating methods. Our new policy reflects our intention and work practises.