Torque Tender offers protection to a mechanical system
Protection from potential damage to a mechanical system caused by torque overload can be critical in some applications. In some applications torque is monitored by the closed loop driver programming within the servo motor performance profile. However, some applications require a more simple mechanical solution.
Monday 5th June 2023
Miniature leadscrews and nuts
Miniature lead screw applications require smooth operation and low frictional drag due to physically smaller drives with torque limitations. Ensuring the fit between the nut and screw threads is of paramount importance as any small errors in these areas can lead to torque spikes during operation.
Monday 13th March 2023
Let us bring the products samples to you
With all our products, our sales engineers see face to face visits as the best way of find a solution to a customers rotary and linear challenges. We have purpose designed display boxes for all our products, that allow the customer a quickly walk through the product potential.
Monday 27th February 2023
ABSSAC - 2023 FEB - JOSCAR approval
ABSSAC - 2023 FEB - JOSCAR approval maintained - ABSSAC achieves full approval to the accreditation register - JOSCAR ( Joint Supply Chain Accreditation Register). The register is used by the aerospace, defence and the security industry to act as a single repository for pre-qualification and compliance information.
Thursday 23rd February 2023
A shaft coupling that compensates for large parallel offset
The Schmidt-Kupplung is a compact, torsionally stiff performance shaft coupling that compensates for large and variable parallel shaft offset without side loads during operation. By its design, the extreme shaft offset capability combined with a small D.B.S.E. (distance between shaft ends) makes the Schmidt-Kupplung quite unique.
Tuesday 25th October 2022
Precision rolled leadscrews and nuts
Precision miniature cold rolled lead screws and nuts can be found in a multitude of applications where typically the rotation of a motor is translated into a linear motion via threaded nut that matches the thread form of the screw. Cold rolled threads offer great precision and surface finish at competitive prices.
Thursday 6th October 2022