Faster, Greater, Innovation...
Over the years we have maintained preferred supplier status, to many names synonymous with the motor sport industry. Supplying machine springs, lead screws, ball screws and many more products has delivered precision movement, which we like to think has helped shave milliseconds off lap times. Off the track we have helped in the research and development of advanced wind tunnel apparatus providing the linear movement on baffles and dynamic sensors. Our innovative mechanical products have help the customer go quicker and be greater.
Full Throttle
One Motorsports application involved a manufacturer of racing engines that needed to connect the individual throttle valves together on an IndyCar race engine. The throttle valves regulate the flow of air into each combustion chamber on the fuel injected engine. This is then connected to the throttle linkage, which is controlled by the driver's foot pedal.The flexible coupling was used to compensate for normal misalignments caused by manufacturing tolerances and distortion of the manifold containing all the throttle bores. Another concern was the extremely high vibration levels from engines running at 13,000 RPM, and forces caused by the high engine torque. The most difficult problem the flexible coupling had to overcome was the vibration forces and twisting caused by the high torque of the engine, in addition to the normal tolerances and misalignments in the manufacture of the manifolds. The units were extensively tested and proven to accomplish everything the customer wanted in a flexible shaft coupling.