The Schmidt coupling offsets like no other coupling.

Wednesday 24th June 2020
The Schmidt coupling offsets like no other coupling.

When designing new machines the parallel alignment of the shafts is always paramount. However some applications actually require that parallel offset to be dynamic during operation and well above and beyond the capabilities of standard shaft couplings. To achieve the exaggerated  parallel offset can often result in punitive drive shaft length or elaborate mechanical solutions to move driver and driven shafts in unison, to overcome the offset.

This is where the Schmidt Coupling has a unique advantage, in that no other shaft coupling design can provide the parallel shaft offset to overall length ratio. Interestingly, its modular construction allows both torque transmission and radial offset capacity to be optimised for each application. For example it is possible to accommodate a parallel shaft offset of 275mm in an overall shaft coupling length of 284mm! (Offset Plus V3300 series).

The images shows a P2880 model with a rated torque of 2,880Nm and a maximum torque of 5,620Nm. Manufactured from Steel the shaft coupling comes from the Power Plus range which is designed for higher torque.

For further details please contact one of our sales engineers, who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Tel : 01386 421005


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