
Outstanding Precision leadscrews

Outstanding Precision leadscrews
Are you looking for a lead screw supplier that can produce exactly what you want ? Or perhaps you have an old acme screw that needs replacing but have no technical drawing specifications to work from. Most common thread forms are the acme or trapezoidal but...
Monday 9th November 2020

Machine tool Industry benefiting from hydraulic connections

Machine tool Industry benefiting from hydraulic connections
Coventry Engineering Case Study. Coventry Engineering is a UK-based engineering firm specializing in the manufacture of bespoke tooling solutions. It has been using couplings and hydraulic connection components from ETP since 2012. Here, Paul Pickering, Operations Director at Coventry Engineering, explains how ETP...
Thursday 15th October 2020

Check out the ABSSAC Videos

Check out the ABSSAC Videos
Our videos are worthwhile to anyone who is a user or buyer of linear or rotary power transmission equipment. Short and informative we hope you enjoy them. Situated in the Vale of Evesham, England, Abssac supplies unique and innovative rotary and linear power transmission products.
Thursday 8th October 2020

Are you connecting a motor to a pump ?

Are you connecting a motor to a pump ?
Consider the Sure-Flex® flexible shaft coupling range available from Abssac, which was designed specifically with that industry in mind. With large stocks kept, we offer an excellent solution to your pump coupling requirements. The easy to fit Sure-Flex® elastomeric shaft couplings rely on a proven element produced from a elastic polymer...
Monday 7th September 2020

Proud to be part of the supply chain

Proud to be part of the supply chain
As part of our the Quality Management System, ABSSAC are required to maintain a high level of product quality, customer service and delivery schedules.
Monday 24th August 2020

Custom linear assemblies

Custom linear assemblies
Working closely with your engineers to develop custom drive assemblies that meet your specifications and budget, makes ABSSAC a key supplier in many industries. ABSSAC offer a complete range of thread forms from acme, stub acme, 60° V, J-form, and trapezoidal, through production capabilities which include thread rolling.
Monday 17th August 2020
check for webp support