Two function clamping in one !

Tuesday 4th March 2014
Two function clamping in one !

An excellent example of our specialist capability is displayed in the development of the axial tensioner ETP-UNIGRIP which was developed to be used within a packaging machine.  The application was to secure circular cutting knives which where originally held in place with spacers and multi-bolt mechanical shaft clamping devices.

The mechanical method employed prior to the ETP UNIGRIP was incredibly time consuming but also required a high degree of skilled maintenance to ensure correct cutting blade position.

The ETP-UNIGRIP was developed to expand three pins axially on the flank of the spacer to ensure continuous axial clamping against a shoulder. The amount of axial movement and force could be accurately adjusted by the rotation of one easily accessed cap screw, whilst another cap screw, again easily accessed, was employed to instigate the shaft clamping, much in a familiar fashion to the standard product ranges, such as the ETP EXPRESS. The integral hydraulic system also reliably delivered an evenly distributed force between the three pistons, offering accurate axial force clamping.

ETP UnigripThe final design used two clamping systems consisting of a hardened steel body with an inner sleeve, three axial pistons with seals and two pressure screws, all in the single piece construction.

Further models have now also been developed that have an internally threaded bore that does not expand and are equipped with with larger,  higher force axial thrust pins, with longer piston stroke. The product can also be made to other dimensions on request.

We will be pleased to hear from you regarding your clamping challenges. Please ask for Peter on 01386 421005

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