Precision and Accuracy impress innovation leader

Tuesday 27th April 2021
Precision and Accuracy impress innovation leader

HELL Gravure Systems is leading the way in the innovation and manufacture of pre-press engraving systems. The Kiel-based company has been using ETP hub-shaft connections for its machines since 1998. Frank Köhler, mechanic in the Research & Development department at HELL Gravure, will explain how ETP’s hydraulic hub-shaft connections help him to tackle tough technical challenges.

Its client base includes printing companies and service providers, whose gravure cylinders are imaged using engraving machines manufactured by Hell Gravure Systems.

‘The cylinder to be engraved in our machines is powered by an extremely precise belt drive,’ says Frank Köhler. ‘We can only allow very small fluctuations in the synchronization of the drive.‘

Precision and accuracy are crucial here in order to meet the strict requirements regarding the quality of the printed products. For further product details, follow the link here

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