Lead Screws & Nuts
Let’s work together to reduce your scrap rates and supply leadscrew solutions that fit directly into your application, every time. With a machining capability that is enjoyed by numerous ABSSAC customers the company provides an excellent journal concentricity product, regardless of diameter.
Thursday 4th July 2019
Precision miniature ball screws delivery update
The later part of 2018 saw an extraordinary demand for miniature precision ball screws and linear guideways due to the exponential increase in demand for microprocessors and ultimately the machines that produce them.
Wednesday 29th May 2019
Stainless Steel Ball Screw
Some applications require Stainless steel as the base manufacturing material for any assembly within their system. What ever the application, when it comes sourcing Stainless Steel ball screws the availability can challenging.
ABSSAC is offering a new range of precision Stainless Steel ball screws...
Wednesday 20th February 2019
Industrial Class Ball Screws
Industrial ball screws effectively convert high torque rotary input into precise high load linear movement. All industrial specified ball screws can be delivered cut to length and when required, machined ready to fit into the required support bearing mounts.
Utilising proven recirculating ball bearing nut technology as the base of the product...
Tuesday 12th February 2019
Fast Delivery of Power screws , Nuts and Bearings
Leadscrews are an excellent and reliable way of converting rotary motion into a linear motion. The speed, the load and the accuracy of position has a direct effect on the form and physical size of the lead screw and nut design. If you use leadscrews and nuts or perhaps you are considering the product within your designs, then give ABSSAC a call.
Wednesday 28th November 2018
Build Your Custom Linear Actuator Today!
Helix Linear is continually creating linear motion solutions to help engineers create automation. The NEW Electric Cylinders are an excellent solution for precise and compact linear motion based on proven and trusted design, products and know how. We offer the capability of quickly providing relevant quotations.
Thursday 20th September 2018