Categories Linear Specialist Rotary Green Abssac

Entertaining Lead Screw

Abssac has been working closely with a team of interior designers to complete a home cinema entertainment system for a number of newly built apartments. Costing an estimated 8 million pounds per apartment, each home comes supplied with a fully automatic entertainment room. Using primarily 8mm...
Monday 29th July 2019

Lead Screws & Nuts

Precision lead screws and nuts are integral to numerous mechanical processes around the world. Offering a high mechanical advantage they are utilised to efficiently convert an applied torque, to either the nut or screw, into a precise linear movement. With 4 decades experience Abssac has designed...
Tuesday 16th July 2019

Lead Screws & Nuts

Let’s work together to reduce your scrap rates and supply leadscrew solutions that fit directly into your application, every time.  With a machining capability that is enjoyed by numerous ABSSAC customers the company provides an excellent journal concentricity product, regardless of diameter.
Thursday 4th July 2019

BXR Safety Brakes

An innovative design in a small package. The spring loaded safety brake is ideal for reliable holding and braking within numerous application. The model delivers reliable holding and braking in torque ranges from 0.1 to 240Nm, through an internal square or spline hub design.
Tuesday 25th June 2019

Spot light on using Gold for Electroforms

Electrodeposited products are formed by machining a precision mandrel to the shape of the desired form (or inside of the bellows) and then depositing the correct thickness of quality metal on to the mandrel. The mandrel is then dissolved away leaving the precision finished product behind.
Friday 14th June 2019

Edge welded Bellows convert pressure and/or temperature into motion

ABSSAC supplies high quality, dependable edge-welded bellows and assemblies. Engineers in a broad spectrum of industries utilise Bellows products for the highest cycle life, wide material selection, and leak-tight performance. With proprietary welding technology, in-house tooling and machining...
Tuesday 11th June 2019